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  • Writer's pictureRachel and Amelia

Making a Temperature Blanket

2022 is starting soon, and now is the perfect time to get ready to start a temperature blanket. We will both be making temperature blankets this upcoming year. Be sure to follow our progress on the Cloudy Crafts social media sites.

What is a Temperature Blanket?

A temperature blanket is a long-term knitting or crocheting project where you stitch a colored \row each day for the daily temperature. At the end of the year, you will have a large, colorful blanket tracking the year's temperatures.

Most people use the daily high but you could also use the average temperature. If you would like to do something different, create a mood tracker blanket instead. It is the same concept.

How to Get Started

Picking Your Colors

Most people use six to ten colors to create their blankets. Depending on your climate, you may need to use more or fewer colors. It is recommended that you use a gradient of warm to cool colors. However, you can use any combination of colors that you want.

Before you start your blanket, determine how many colors you will need to use in your blanket. You also need to decide on a color scheme. Below is are examples of keys to use when designating colors to groups of temperatures.

Note: Make sure to save the color and brand of the yarn in case you need to purchase more for your blanket later in the year.

Decide on a Stitch

Are you going to be knitting or crocheting? It is recommended to use a small, simple stitch for your blanket. However, if you are more experienced feel free to use a more advanced stitch. We will be making our blankets using single crochet stitches.

You can make your blanket any width you would like. You can even make a temperature scarf. We will be using 305 stitches per row to make very large blankets.

Note: The larger your stitches, the larger your blanket will be in the end.


It is okay to fall behind! Do not put too much pressure on yourself to complete each row every day. Life gets busy and it is okay to take a break. Just write down the daily temperature or use a website such as Time and Date to find past temperatures.

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